Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
Joe Costello

Cross-posted from

The great nullity at the center of American politics, disallowing all constructive dialog, is actually quite simple. It is the inability of the right, conservatives, libertarians, Republicans, whatever they wish to call themselves to acknowledge the growth of big government was necessary for the growth of big corporations. While the left, liberals, progressive, Democrats, whatever they wish to call themselves today, cannot accept that the growth of big corporations was necessary for the growth of big government. (more…)

Posted: September 5th, 2012

You’re built too low, the fast ones go over your head.
— Foghorn Leghorn

One of the problems our insolvent industrial economics has, and it’s only one, is quantitatively aggregating value, GDP is the easiest example, then saying this provides a clear picture of what’s happening in the economy. Unfortunately, the fact is all dollars are not equal, for example a dollar spent on potatoes feeding a family of four, has a lot more value than a dollar spent on landscaping a home in Bel-Air, just don’t tell an economist this. It’s why they can interminably bleat American economy is no longer as reliant on oil, and when the price of oil goes up, it’s no harm to the economy, “After all, we now only spend “x”% of GDP on oil.” Nonetheless, the price of oil goes up, the economy slows. Who you going to believe, your lying eyes or a Nobel Laureate?


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Posted: January 18th, 2012

“The last half of the 20th century will seem like a wild party for rich kids.”


The three year bad joke that is the Obama administration delivered its punchline last night, and as expected, it just wasn’t very funny. So, for the last time I will tell you progressives, liberals, Democrats whatever it is you ascribe to: This president will not be reelected. Your president is d-u-n-n, dunn!


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Posted: September 9th, 2011